
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Answer And Win A Pocket Atlas Of Oral Diseases, Softbound Quiz No. 10001

Pocket Atlas Of Oral Diseases by G. Laskaris, Thieme Publications, Pages 370

Table of Contents For The Book.

Quiz Questions
Q1. Can Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Affect Patients With Bone Grafts Of Bovine Origin ?
1. Yes
2. No

Q2. Which Antibiotic Removes Smear Layer From Root Canals ?
1. Doxycycline
2. Penicillin

Q3. Can Bone Regeneration Occur In Uncontrolled Diabetic Patients ?
1. Yes
2. No

Terms And Conditions
  1. The quiz is open only For Indian Dental Association Members
  2. Last date of receipt of answers is 28 February 2010.
  3. Shipping address for the book (prize) only in India.
  4. All answers should be written below in the comment box. E-mails not entertained.
  5. In case of more than one candidate with maximum number of correct answers, a draw will be taken out.
  6. The announced prize cannot be exchanged with any other form of cash or object.
  7. Please choose a working email because all the further correspondence will be done through emails.
  8. Do not write your address in the comment section, you will be contacted through your email, for address if your entry wins.
  9. Prizes will be announced on 4th of March 2010.
  10. Please check the site for the announcement of results.