
Monday, December 28, 2009

Oral Submucous Fibrosis Recent Advances 2009

 In Vivo OSF Treatment Effectiveness Detection by Autofluorescence
Autofluorescence is the latest technique to assess the effectiveness of treatment in Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSF). When tissues interact with light they emit back a light in minute quantities, known as autofluorescence. It can be detected with highly sensitive spectrophotometres. Normal mucosa shows emissions in different spectral range than the fibrosed mucosa. In cases that responded to the treatment showed emission spectrum similar to that of normal mucosa. The greatest advantage of this test is that it can be performed invivo , it is non invasive and does not show any related adverse effects.
Ref: Vedeswari CP, Jayachandran S, Ganesan S. In vivo autofluorescence characteristics of pre- and post-treated oral submucous fibrosis: A pilot study. Indian J Dent Res [serial online] 2009 [cited 2009 Dec 16];20:261-7. Available from:

This Red Dye Writes About Oral Submucous Fibrosis In Greater Detail
Various dyes are used for staining sections of Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSF). Picrosirius red stain under polarizing microscopy shows staining the finer fibres and correlation with clinicofunctional staging.
Ref: Ceena DE, Bastian TS, Ashok L, Annigeri RG. Comparative study of clinicofunctional staging of oral submucous fibrosis with qualitative analysis of collagen fibers under polarizing microscopy. Indian J Dent Res [serial online] 2009 [cited 2009 Dec 16];20:271-6. Available from: