
Monday, December 28, 2009

Oral Submucous Fibrosis Recent Advances 2009

 In Vivo OSF Treatment Effectiveness Detection by Autofluorescence
Autofluorescence is the latest technique to assess the effectiveness of treatment in Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSF). When tissues interact with light they emit back a light in minute quantities, known as autofluorescence. It can be detected with highly sensitive spectrophotometres. Normal mucosa shows emissions in different spectral range than the fibrosed mucosa. In cases that responded to the treatment showed emission spectrum similar to that of normal mucosa. The greatest advantage of this test is that it can be performed invivo , it is non invasive and does not show any related adverse effects.
Ref: Vedeswari CP, Jayachandran S, Ganesan S. In vivo autofluorescence characteristics of pre- and post-treated oral submucous fibrosis: A pilot study. Indian J Dent Res [serial online] 2009 [cited 2009 Dec 16];20:261-7. Available from:

This Red Dye Writes About Oral Submucous Fibrosis In Greater Detail
Various dyes are used for staining sections of Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSF). Picrosirius red stain under polarizing microscopy shows staining the finer fibres and correlation with clinicofunctional staging.
Ref: Ceena DE, Bastian TS, Ashok L, Annigeri RG. Comparative study of clinicofunctional staging of oral submucous fibrosis with qualitative analysis of collagen fibers under polarizing microscopy. Indian J Dent Res [serial online] 2009 [cited 2009 Dec 16];20:271-6. Available from:

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Efficacy Of Licopene In Management Of Oral Submucous Fibrosis

Background And Objective: OSMF is an avancing premalignant condition for which a reliable treatment modality has not yet evolved. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of newer anti-oxidant - Lycopene in the treatment of OSMF.

Material And Methods: The study group included 50 patients with OSMF. The diagnosis of OSMF was established thrugh a composite of clinical and histopathologic characteristics. Out of 50 patients, 25 were given licopene (8 mg Lycored/ day in divided doses of 4 mg each for a period of 3 months. Remaining patients recieved placeo tablets twice a day. Patients were examined for changes in mouth opening and oter symptoms of OSMF during 3 months and were followed for the next 2 months.

Results: Lycopene was found to be significantly effeficaious in the amelioration of signs and symptoms of OSMF. It was also effective in reducing the objective signs of OSMF as demonstrated by the improved maximal mouth opening, ercentage of which was 69.56 (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Reactive oxygen compounds or free radicals have been implicated as one of the major harmful sector for premalignant and malignant conditions. Our study concludes that lycopene appears to be very promising drug in the management of OSMF.

Author Dr. Rajeev Sharma (standing left)

Co-Author Dr. Durgesh Bailoor (standing left)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Effect Of Anti-Retroviral Therapy On The Prevalence Of Oral Manifestation In HIV Sero Positive Patients

Background & Objectives: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a highly lethal, progressively epidemic viral infection characterized by profound impairment of the immune system. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new classification system, clinical AIDS is defined by a CD4 count of less than 200 (<200) and / or a CD4 percentage of less than 14. The main objective of the current study was to determine the prevalence of oral manifestation of HIV patients on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) and to compare these with the prevalence of those who were not on (HAART) therapy.
 Methods: Patients were selected from the out patient department of P.M.N.M dental college and hospital Bagalkot and patients from NGOs centers working for HIV/AIDS, Karnataka. A cross sectional was conducted amongst 100 patients diagnosed as HIV sero positive. Information regarding, date of birth, CD4 cell count were obtained from the medical records. Oral examination was done using universal precautions recommended by (CDC). Findings were recorded by using internationally accepted presumptive clinical criteria. Chi-square statistical test were conducted to describe the relationship between the prevalence of Oral manifestation and HAART therapy
Results: The detection of oral manifestation was significantly decreased in subjects on HAART therapy (32%) compared to those who were not on HAART therapy (56%), (P<0.05).
Interpretation & Conclusion:  Compared to non-HAART group, subjects on HAART group had significantly fewer HIV related oral manifestations-probably as a result of an expression of their reconstituted immune system.
By: Dr. Neelkant Patil

Saturday, December 12, 2009

What Does This Radiograph Reveal ?

A 37 year old, male patients reported to Department Of OMR, JDC, with the complaint of pain in back region of the jaw. History revealed that he did not use the affected side of the jaws for more than 4 years. It was clinically found that the pain is because of chronic pulpitis in his third molar. A radiograph was also taken.
The radiograph shows an extra radio-opaque mass attached to the distal surface of the crown of third molar.
The question here is to make the most probable diagnosis about the radiopaque mass.
Please write down your answers in the comments section.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Latest About HPV, HIV And Serum Cholesterol

Is HPV - 16 Responsile For Periodontal Breakdown ?
HPV - 16 is associated with a number of oral diseases for e.g. squamous cell carcinoma, condyloma acuminatum, verruca vulgaris, focal epithelial hyperplasia. Earlier it was hypothesised that it has a role in periodontal breakdown as well. A recent case control study by VerĂ´nica V. Horewicz et al.  found that HPV - 16 has no role in periodontal breakdown and periodontal tissues are not the reservoirs of HPV - 16 in the population examined.

Relation Between Mode Of HIV Transmission And Probability Of Oral Lesions
Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine reports that the mode of HIV transmission is related to the probability of Oral Lesions. Two groups one with heterosexual HIV patients and the other with IV Drug abuser HIV patiens were seleced for the study. The examination revealed that the chances of oral lesions in heterosexual HIV patients is 75% while those in IV Drug Abusers is 46%. Along with this it was also found that candidiasis was the most common lesion affecting the oral cavity of HIV patients.

Serum Cholesterol Level And Oral Carcinoma
Serum cholesterol level is used in various anlysis to predict various diseases. In a study by Vidya K. Lohe published in Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine it was found that oral carcinoma is associated with low total cholesterol, HDL And LDL, while oral precancers were associated with low total cholesterol and HDL.

By: Dr. Hamid Raihan
Jaipur Dental College

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Can Commercial Orange Juice Destroy Baby's Teeth ?

Can Commercial Orange Juice Destroy Baby's Teeth ?
With the boom in health care products, many baby heath drinks have been launched in the market. The analysis showed that the pH of these drinks range from 3.5 to 4.0. In an experiment the authors found that 3.77 to 8.10 microns of enamel was destroyed in 1 hr. It is concluded that commercially available baby heath drinks pose a definite risk of excessive enamel erosion on continuous and long term use.
Ref: International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2009; 19: 325–329

In Vitro Toxic Potential Of Compomers
Three different compomers were tested for their toxicity after applying different types of curing lights.The study concluded that the compomers are potentially toxic to human pulp. Type of light curing unit may also affect the degree of compomers toxicity. These results were obtained by adding compomers to human pulp fibroblast cultures.
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2009; 19: 55–60.

Is PALS an Effective Child Management Technique ?
Child management in dental clinics can be done by various methods. PALS stands for passivity to activity through live symbolics. A study conducted on 5-10 year old dental patients showed that PALS is ineffective in modifying a child behaviour and response to interventional dental treatment.
Ref: International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2009; 19: 233–242

Can Probiotics Bacteria Colonize The Mouth After Taking Such Products ?
Probiotics are in trend these days. Microbiologically probiotics are products fortified with Lactobacilus reuteri ATCC 55730. As documented they colonize the deuodenum and ilium of the subject and provide enhanced immunity. L. reuteri also induces a significantly higher number of CD4positive T-lymphocytes. The L. reuteri dimish in number very soon from the oral cavity and there is no danger of their colonization in the oral habitat.
Ref: International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2009; 19: 377–381

Device To Administer Painless Anesthesia
It is very common to face difficulties in dental practice due the fear of pain during anethesia. Especially in pediatric patients it becomes too difficult to manage. This new device can deliver painless anesthesia to your pediatric patients. It is QuickSleeper (TM). It has an electronically controlled system that is capable of delivering intraosseus anesthsia without any thrust from the operators hand. Just place it near the required area and it automated system does the rest.
Ref: International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2009; 19: 360–366.

By: Dr. Hamid Raihan
Jaipur Dental College