
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Developmental Anomalies : Congenital Lip And Comissural Pits and Fistulas; The Clinical Features and Treatment

These are the developmental anomalies associated with the lip and have a hereditary background.
Lip and comissural pits occur as unilateral or bilateral depressions of the lip on the vermilion border.
Lower lips are more commonly affected than the upper lips.
Comissural pits occur at the corners of the mouth.
Surgical removal of the pits.
Previous Topic Of Developmental Anomalies : Vand Der Woude's Syndrome
Next Topic Of Developmental Anomalies : Cheilitis Glandularis

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Portable Rotary Endodontic Unit Apex Locator Built In

SIROEndo Pocket –
The mobile endodontic solution
Safety to go

The true advantages of SIROEndo Pocket pay off, if you perform root canal preparation in several treatment rooms. The battery-powered compact unit can be used easily wherever and whenever needed. And of course, you can also used it while it is being charged. Besides the integrated apex locator the SIROEndo Pocket includes a file library. On top of that it is easy to handle because of the clearly arranged keypad, the flexible tilting of the display for the optimal viewing comfort and the individual choice of the language setting.

Your product advantages:

* Apex Locator
The integrated apex locator ensures optimal measuring accuracy without a file clamp when using the Sirona ENDO 6:1 contra-angle handpiece.
* Wireless treatment
SIROEndo Pocket is equipped with a storage battery. Operating time is approximately 2 hours. The unit also can be used while the battery is being charged.
* Intuitive operation
The clearly arranged keypad with easy to understand icons.
* New motor holder
The holder offers perfect seating of the motor and can easily be removed, cleaned and disinfected.
* Easy to use
In the preprogrammed file library you can find the settings for many file systems with the different file types

International customers:
+49 6251 / 16-1616

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Developmental Anomalies : Van Der Woude Syndrome; Etiology Clinical Features Oral Manifestations and Treatment



van der Woude syndrome is an autosomal dominant syndrome consisting of a cleft lip / cleft palate in association with lower lip pits.
The pits constantly secrete mucous and the discharge is very embarrassing for the patient.
Chromosomal studies show deletions in the chromosomes at 1q32 . A modifying gene may also be responsible which is located at 17p11.
Some extraoral manifestations like limb anomalies, popliteal webs, and brain abnormalities are also reported.
Very rare cases with accessory nipples, congenital heart defects, and Hirschprung disease are also seen.


Surgical removal of pits can be carried out for cosmetic reasons.
Pevious Topic: Facial Hemiatrophy
Next Topic : Congenital Lip and Commisural Pits and Fistulas

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Patented Tooth Whitening System For Dentists And Home Use

Tooth whitening procedures are one of the most sought after procedures in these days. It has been quite a confusing situation for dentists as well as the patients about the choice of tooth whitening procedures. In office procedures consume much of chair time while the home based materials gives less effective results. This new product offers some revolutionary techniques for tooth whitening procedure, convenient and effective for both the patient and the operator. To order this product just find the link on the right in Google Ads section. Shipment to India is also available.

(Disclaimer: I personally do not endorse this product in any manner. The Dentist and the patients are advised to check all possible effects before application. Do not use without the prescrition of dentist.)

Developmental Anomalies : Facial Hemiatrophy Etiology Clinical Features Oral Manifestations Histologic Features and Treatment

Also known as Parry – Romberg Syndrome, Romberg Syndrome or Hemifacial Atrophy.


Trophic malfunction of the cervical sympathetic nervous system


The skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle and bone show atrophy.
Various cartilages of the face are also involved.
Contralateral Jacksonian epilepsy, trigeminal neuralgia, and changes in the eyes and hair are commonly seen.
There is a marked predilection for the left side of the face.


The intraoral tissues also show atrophic changes.
If the teeth are developing they are also similarly affected showing short crown or roots.


There is no treatment but the lesion stops progressing after a certain period of time and remains so for the rest of the life.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Developmental Anomalies : Facial Hemihypertrophy Etiology Clinical Features Oral Manifestations Histologic Features and Treatment

  1. Vascular abnormalities
  2. Neurogenic abnormalities
  3. Hormonal imbalance
  4. Incomplete twining
  5. Chromosomal abnormalities
  6. Intrauterine pressure
  7. Lymphatic abnormalities
Among the listed causes the most accepted causes are vascular and neurogenic disturbances.

Though the name is Hemihypertrophy, the actual underlying condition is a hyperplasia.
Enlargement of the half of the head and face is seen. Familial occurrence has been seen in many cases.
Other systemic conditions that are found to be associated with facial hemihypertrophy are Wilm’s tumor, adrenocortical tumor and hepatoblastoma.

Enlargement of teeth both primary and permanent are reported.
Early eruption of permanent teeth as well as early shedding of deciduous teeth on the involved side occurs.
The tongue is most commonly involved and shows extremely large papillae.
The buccal mucosa appears velvety and folds of tissues may hang in the oral cavity.

No variation from normal.

No treatment found.
If you want Read About Facial Hemiatrophy Now Click Here

Monday, January 5, 2009

Rubber Dam Application and Isolation of Operating Field in Conservative Dentistry

Rubber dam was introduced by S.C. Barnum in 1964.

Application of rubber dam is the most successful method of isolating the operating field.


Dry clean operating field

Better access and visibility

Protection of Patient and Operator

Increased operating efficiency

Improves the properties of dental materials indirectly


Time consumption

Objectionable to some patients

Unfavourable Conditions for Dam Placement

Insufficiently erupted teeth

Some third molars

Extremely malpositioned teeth

Some third molars

Asthmatic patients

Latex allergy


Rubber dams are available in 5X5 inch and 6X6 inch sheets.

They available in 5 different thickness

Thin 0.15 mm (0.006 inch)
Medium 0.20 mm (0.008 inch)
Heavy 0.25 mm (0.0010 inch)
Extra Heavy 0.30 mm (0.012 inch)
Special Heavy 0.35 mm (0.014 inch)

The rubber dam has a shiny and a dull side.

A rubber dam holder ( frame) is used to secure the borders of rubber dam in stretched condition.

Young´s rubber dam holder is U shaped metal frame with small projections to hold the dam.

Rubber dam retainer or clamp is used to anchor the rubber dam to the most posterior tooth to be isolated.

It consists of four prongs and two jaws connected by a bow.

The prongs make four point contact with the tooth.

The jaws of the retainer should not extend beyond the mesial and distal line angles of the tooth.

Retainers are available with and without wings.

The functions of the wings -

1. To provide extra retraction of the rubber dam from the operating field

2. Allow the attachment of the dam to the retainer before placing it on the tooth.

The disadvantage of the wings is that it interferes with the placement of the matrix bands, band retainers and wedges.

Retainers are not required when isolating anterior teeth except in case of cervical retainer while dealing with class V cavities.

Rubber dam punch is used to make holes in the rubber dam. It has provisions for making holes of 6 different sizes.

Rubber dam luricants are used to lubricate the rubber for easy positioning.

Ideal rubber dam lubricants are water soluble lubricants like soap slurry and shaving cream apart from commercially available specific lubricants.

The corner of the mouth and lips should be protected by cocoa butter or petroleum jelly.

When operating on incisors and mesial surfaces of canines the isolation should extend from first premolar to first premolar.

When operating on canines the isolation field extends from first molar of the same side to the lateral incisor of the opposite side.

For premolars at least two teeth distal to the required tooth and lateral incisors on the opposite side on the opposite side are included.

For molars the isolation extends from the last available tooth to the lateral incisors of the opposite side.

For endodontic purpose only the tooth to be operated on is isolated.

The distance between the holes of rubber dam is 6.3 mm or ¼ inches.

The first hole in the maxillary arch should be punched for central incisor.

For the mandibular arch the first hole should be punched for the most posterior tooth that will receive the retainer.

For class V lesions the holes are punched slightly facial to the arch form. This compensates for the extension of the dam in cervical area.

If the thinner dam dam material is chosen the holes should be smaller because the thinner materials stretch more than the thicker ones.

Imtec Mini Dental Implant Dr. Benjamin D. Oppenheimer

Dr. Benjamin D. Oppenheimer is a graduate of the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. There he received a Dean’s letter for Academic Excellence as well as the International Congress of Oral Implantoligists award. He is now one of the leading experts in the world on Mini-Dental Implants. He has taught hundreds of dentists to use minis and currently is a consultant to the IMTEC Corporation, the manufacturer of the MDI product. He is also the author of a number of scientific journal articles on the subject. As well as offering dental implants, Dr. Ben provides all aspects of patient care for adults and children in Amherst, NY. Dr. Oppenheimer also is the president of Foundation Milling Centre, LLC, a dental contract manufactuing firm, and heads research and development for high tech dental products including their yittria-zirconia line of products and sintered diamond abrasives. Dr. Oppenheimer also is a business consultant and Board member for Jenius Industries Inc. and VBS Holdings LLC both technology firms focusing on healthcare and Web 2.0 internet applications.

VivaSens : A liquid desensitizer for the treatment of hyper sensitive tooth root surfaces

Varnish (Ethanol, Water and Hydroxypropylcellulose) containing potassium fluoride, polyethylenglycol dimethacrylate, and other methacrylates.

– treatment of hypersensitive cervicals.
– treatment of tooth sensitivities e.g. due to bleaching procedures.
– treatment of sensitivities occurring after professional tooth cleaning, scaling and root- planing procedures.
– dentin-protection below restorative materials


– If a patient is known to be allergic or hypersensitive to any of the material’s ingredients.
– If the sensitivity arises from pulpitis or other dental
– Pulp-capping with VivaSens

Side Effects
In individual cases contact with the mucous membranes
may result in short-term reversible irritation. Certain
ingredients of VivaSens may cause sensitization in
predisposed patients or dental personnel which can lead to
allergic contact dermatitis. In such cases, VivaSens should
not be used.

If VivaSens is used to protect dentin before adhesive
restorative treatment, compatibility with the chosen
adhesive must be considered. If used with the Total Etch
adhesive Excite®, VivaSens may be applied after the etching
step and always prior to the adhesive. Interactions with
other Total Etch adhesives (using the same treatment
procedure) are not to be expected but cannot be excluded.
Compatibility with other types of adhesives must be
checked by the user.

VivaSens Free Stand® Single Dose is applied by professional
dental personnel, using the pre-mounted and coated brush
provided. Do not use one single dose for more than one

Step by step application procedure

1.a Free Stand® Single Dose
– Remove the foil lid.
– Remove the white applicator brush from its chamber
and dip into the chamber containing the VivaSens
– Twirl the applicator around thoroughly in order to
mix the liquid with the ingredients contained on the
applicator brush.
1.b Bottle
– Squeeze 3 drops of VivaSens onto a mixing block.
– Mix the liquid well with one of the pre-coated
applicator brushes (Always use exactly 3 drops per
2. Clean all tooth surfaces thoroughly.
3. Dry the tooth surfaces with cotton pellets or a gentle
stream of air.
4. Apply VivaSens to the areas of the teeth affected by
hypersensitivity, using the disposable brush provided.
Gently rub the liquid into the teeth for at least
10 seconds, avoiding contact with the gingiva.
5. Evenly disperse the liquid and dry by gently blowing air
on the treated surfaces for 10 seconds.
Patient instruction
Advise patients not to rinse, eat, drink or brush their teeth
for at least 30 minutes following treatment.

Repeat the application if sensitivity recurs or persists.

– VivaSens liquid is an irritant. The coating on the
applicator brush is corrosive. Contact with the skin,
mucous membranes and eyes should be avoided.
– If contact with the eyes should occur, rinse immediately
with water and consult a doctor/ophthalmologist.
If the product comes into contact with the skin, wash
thoroughly with soap and water.
– Repeated skin contact may cause sensitivity to
– Standard medical gloves do not offer protection from
sensitization to methacrylates.
– Easily flammable. VivaSens contains ethanol and must
be kept away from sources of ignition.

– Shelf-life: see expiry date on the Single Dose
– Do not use material after the indicated date of expiration
– Storage temperature: 2–28°C (36–82°F)

Keep the material out of the reach of children!
For dental use only!

Ivoclar Vivadent AG
FL-9494 Schaan/Liechtenstein
The material has been developed solely for use in dentistry. Processing should
be carried out strictly according to the Instructions for Use. Liability cannot be
accepted for damages resulting from failure to observe the Instructions or the
stipulated area of application. The user is responsible for testing the material for
its suitability and use for any purpose not explicitly stated in the Instructions.
Descriptions and data constitute no warranty of attributes and are not binding.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Step by step procedure to apply tooth jewellery : Skyce, Ivoclar Vivadent

Model displaying Skyce on the left lateral incisor

Instructions for Use


Skyce is a range of crystal glass tooth jewellery.
The stones are bonded to the labial surfaces of
natural upper anterior teeth without invasive

Colour and sizes

– transparent
Step by step application
1. A rubber dam must be placed to avoid the
aspiration or swallowing of the tooth jewellery.
2. The contact surface of the tooth must be
professionally cleaned with brushes or cups and
polishing paste, eg Proxyt.
3. A 37-% phosphoric acid gel (eg Total Etch) is
applied to the contact surface. The diameter of
the etched surface must be slightly larger than
that of the stone.
Note: The tooth must be etched for at least 60 s.
4. After 60 s of etching, thoroughly rinse off the
phosphoric acid with water.
5. Carefully dry the tooth surface.
6. Apply a thin coat of Heliobond or Tetric Evo-
Flow onto the etched region.
7. Apply Heliobond or Tetric EvoFlow to the clean
reverse side of Skyce and place the stone on
the tooth surface. Some Heliobond or Tetric
EvoFlow must come out along the sides of the
stone to provide a setting for the stone.

In order to optimize the bond, fully coat the stone
with a thin layer of Heliobond. This does not
impair the lustre of the stone.
Note: Tetric EvoFlow is unsuitable for this pur-


Setting the tooth jewellery with Heliobond
or Tetric EvoFlow.
8. The jewel must be light cured for at least 40 s
both from the labial and palatal aspects (eg
with bluephase®).
9. If, in rare cases, excess has to be removed, only
use silicone polishers. Rotary instruments must
not touch the stone to prevent scratching.


1. It is easier to apply Skyce if it is held with a
probe to which soft wax or a bit of adhesive
material from the tip of a OptraStick has been
2. Do not touch the stone with your fingers or
allow it to become contaminated with saliva. If
Skyce is contaminated, carefully clean the stone
with acrylic pellets in an alcohol bath.
3. For information about the side effects and
interactions of the cementation materials and
the phosphoric acid gel as well as any
warnings, see the corresponding Instructions
for use
4. Skyce can be removed whenever desired.

Keep out of the reach of children. For use in dentistry only.