
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Latest About HPV, HIV And Serum Cholesterol

Is HPV - 16 Responsile For Periodontal Breakdown ?
HPV - 16 is associated with a number of oral diseases for e.g. squamous cell carcinoma, condyloma acuminatum, verruca vulgaris, focal epithelial hyperplasia. Earlier it was hypothesised that it has a role in periodontal breakdown as well. A recent case control study by VerĂ´nica V. Horewicz et al.  found that HPV - 16 has no role in periodontal breakdown and periodontal tissues are not the reservoirs of HPV - 16 in the population examined.

Relation Between Mode Of HIV Transmission And Probability Of Oral Lesions
Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine reports that the mode of HIV transmission is related to the probability of Oral Lesions. Two groups one with heterosexual HIV patients and the other with IV Drug abuser HIV patiens were seleced for the study. The examination revealed that the chances of oral lesions in heterosexual HIV patients is 75% while those in IV Drug Abusers is 46%. Along with this it was also found that candidiasis was the most common lesion affecting the oral cavity of HIV patients.

Serum Cholesterol Level And Oral Carcinoma
Serum cholesterol level is used in various anlysis to predict various diseases. In a study by Vidya K. Lohe published in Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine it was found that oral carcinoma is associated with low total cholesterol, HDL And LDL, while oral precancers were associated with low total cholesterol and HDL.

By: Dr. Hamid Raihan
Jaipur Dental College

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