
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Developmental Anomalies : Cheilitis Glandularis; Etiology Clinical Features Oral Manifestations and Treatment

The opening of the accessory salivary glands on the lips become enlarged and appear as small red macules.
Enlargement of several salivary ducts lead\ to the enlargement of the lips.
Exudation of a dense fluid is found through the gland openings.
It has been classified into three types
1. Simple type
2. Superficial suppurative type also known as Bealz’s disease.
3. Deep suppurative type
The simple type is characterized by very tiny painless lesions.
The superficial suppurative type shows painless swelling, crustings and ulcerations apart from suppuration.
The deep suppurative type is painful, deep abscess formation.
A diverse array of alterations are seen in the surface epithelium as well as the submucosal tissues.
The minor salivary glands may show features of nonspecific sialadenitis.
Atrophy or distention of acini, ductal ectasia with or without squamous metaplasia, chronic inflammatory infiltration, replacement of glandular parenchyma, and interstitial fibrosis may be seen.
Suppuration and sinus tracts in cases of bacterial infection.
Edema, hyperemia, hyperkeratosis, erosion and ulceration may also be seen.
The lesion is treated surgically by stripping off the associated mucosa of the lip, or vermilionectomy.
Previous Topic Developmental Anomalies: Congenital Lip and Comissural Pits And Fistulas
Next Topic Developmental Anomalies : Cheilitis Granulomatosa

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